Notes from January 8, 2023 General Membership Meeting

National Writers Union Oregon Chapter

The meeting opened at 4:18 PM with 5 people present.

We began the meeting with introductions.

Marty Hart-Landsberg reported on the following:

1.       He had good initial contact with the leadership of the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the National Writers Union. Additional follow-up is needed.

2.       Our Chapter previously endorsed Measure 114. That is now in the courts. We also endorsed the Eviction Representation for All measure in Multnomah County. That measure is headed to the May ballot in Multnomah County.

The Chapter is open to endorsing issues brought forward by Chapter members. Please send in your suggestions and Chapter leadership will try to respond within one week.

Lura Frazey reported that the Chapter has $7372.13 in hand. Our $100 donation to the HarperCollins strike fund has not been processed through NWU. The strike continues.

Discussion on Oregon NWU Chapter tee-shirts. It was suggested that we produce a Chapter tee-shirt with our union logo and a state map. Bob Rossi will coordinate with Elissa Edge and Pat Riggs-Henson. We need a camera-ready graphic from our national union.

Discussion of Oregon AFL-CIO affiliation. It was moved, seconded, and carried that we affiliate with the Oregon AFL-CIO. Sister Pat Riggs-Henson offered to be our delegate. Delegates serve between Oregon AFL-CIO conventions Our President will appoint a delegate. If members are interested in serving in this capacity, please notify Brother Hart-Landsberg before our March meeting. Brother Hart-Landsberg will notify our national union of our decision to affiliate. A copy of our affiliation letter will be included with these minutes.

Discussion of our reading of What 1930s Radicals Totally Knew: Scott Borchert on the Federal Writers’ Project by Scott Borchert and Susie Day.

Members are invited to suggest readings for discussion at our meetings. These should be on-line and accessible. If you have a reading to suggest, please notify us before our March meeting.

Our meeting closed at 5:30 PM.

Our meeting schedule is as follows:

        Mar 12, 2023 04:00 PM
        May 14, 2023 04:00 PM
        Jul 9, 2023 04:00 PM
        Sep 10, 2023 04:00 PM
        Nov 12, 2023 04:00 PM
        Jan 14, 2024 04:00 PM
        Mar 10, 2024 04:00 PM

The link to these meetings is:

Meeting ID: 861 8655 5977
Passcode: 735400

One tap mobile
+17193594580,,86186555977#,,,,*735400# US
+12532050468,,86186555977#,,,,*735400# US

Dial by your location
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 861 8655 5977

Notes from November 13, 2022 Steering Committee Meeting

Oregon NWU Chapter Steering Committee Meeting

Present: Elissa, Stefan, Lura, Marty, Bob

We discussed our organizing capacity and building our chapter. After lengthy discussion the following decisions were made:

1. Continue to meet and invite people into the processes of getting to know one another, finding common interests and common work.

2. Remain independent as a chapter within the National Writers Union.

3. Meet every other month and do shared readings and discussions of the readings.

4. Stay connected to other NWU chapters.

5. Have Oregon NWU tee-shirts made (Marty, Elissa, Bob)

6. Possible support for the strike at HarperCollins: making a donation, leafleting (Marty, Bob)

7. Our first reading will be: We will discuss this at our next meeting.

Our next meeting will be held on Sunday, Jan. 8 at 4:00 PM. Our meetings will be informal, with a fling-the-doors-open approach. Members and friends can gather in a coffee shop and participate together.