Oregon NWU Chapter Steering Committee Meeting
Present: Elissa, Stefan, Lura, Marty, Bob
We discussed our organizing capacity and building our chapter. After lengthy discussion the following decisions were made:
1. Continue to meet and invite people into the processes of getting to know one another, finding common interests and common work.
2. Remain independent as a chapter within the National Writers Union.
3. Meet every other month and do shared readings and discussions of the readings.
4. Stay connected to other NWU chapters.
5. Have Oregon NWU tee-shirts made (Marty, Elissa, Bob)
6. Possible support for the strike at HarperCollins: making a donation, leafleting (Marty, Bob)
7. Our first reading will be: https://monthlyreview.org/2022/03/01/what-1930s-radicals-totally-knew-scott-borchert-on-the-federal-writers-project/. We will discuss this at our next meeting.
Our next meeting will be held on Sunday, Jan. 8 at 4:00 PM. Our meetings will be informal, with a fling-the-doors-open approach. Members and friends can gather in a coffee shop and participate together.